Lodge Contacts

Wahinkto Lodge #199

2025 Lodge Chief

Santiago G.

Santiago is an Eagle Scout from Troop 255 in Del Rio. Outside of Scouting, Santiago is a Sophomore at Angelo State University. In his Scouting career, he has held the positions of Chaplain’s Aide, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. Santiago has been in the Order of the Arrow since 2018 and is a Brotherhood Member. Santiago previously served as the 2024 Lodge Chief. 

2025 Lodge Vice Chief – Administration

Maddie S.

Maddie is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor Member from Troop 42 in San Angelo and is currently a member of Crew 332. Maddie has also served on backcountry staff at Philmont Scout Ranch in 2023. Outside of Scouting, Maddie is a Sophomore at Angelo State University studying Biology. In her free time, Maddie enjoys hiking, camping, backpacking, and sailing. Maddie Previously served as the 2022 Lodge Chief,  the 2023 Vice Chief of Programs, and the 2024 Vigil Selection Chair. Maddie is now serving Section G2 as the Conclave Vice Chief of Administration.

2025 Lodge Vice Chief – Programs

Conner W.

Conner is a Life Scout from Troop 1 in San Angelo. Conner joined the Order of the Arrow and completed his Ordeal in the Fall of 2024. 

2025 Lodge Secretary/Treasurer

Aurora L.

Aurora is a Life Scout from Troop 42 in San Angelo. Aurora is a Brotherhood Member of Wahinkto Lodge, and previously served as the 2024 Lodge Secretary. 

2025 Eluwak Chapter Chief

Harvey G.

Harvey is a Star Scout from Troop 1 in San Angelo. Harvey joined the Order of the Arrow and Completed his Ordeal in the Fall of 2024.

2025 Kittan Chapter Chief

Levi H.

Levi is a Star Scout from Troop 255 in Del Rio. Levi joined the Order of the Arrow and Completed his Ordeal in the Fall of 2024.

Lodge Adviser

Danny Casillas

Danny Casillas is a recently returning Scouter and serves on the troop committee for Troop 1 in San Angelo. Originally from Del Rio, Danny earned his Eagle Scout in 1990 with Troop 279 sponsored by the San Felipe Lions Club.
In the Order of the Arrow, Danny was inducted in 1985, became a Brotherhood member in 1986, and received his Vigil Honor in 1990, all in Wahinkto Lodge in the then Concho Valley Council. He is a past Lodge Chief, having served in 1991 and 1992. He is no stranger to OA ceremonies and has served on or helped support various Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil ceremony teams.
Danny served on Summer Camp staff for the Concho Valley Council in 1989, 1990, and 1991, in the days when the council supported four full weeks of camp with two weeks each at Camp Fawcett and Camp Sol Mayer.

Lodge Associate Adviser

Kevin Franke

Kevin Franke is an active Scouter across Texas and the United States, enabling thousands of Scouts to experience quality programs and grow in their fondness for Scouting. Kevin is a 2018 Eagle Scout from Troop 363 in San Angelo, where he served in multiple leadership roles as a youth.

In the Order of the Arrow, Kevin was inducted into Wahinkto Lodge in 2015 and received his Brotherhood in 2017. In 2023, Kevin was honored by Wahinkto Lodge with the Vigil Honor. Kevin served twice as Lodge Secretary as well as the 2018 Lodge Chief. Additionally, Kevin served in Leadership Roles in Section G-2, with the most notable being the Vice Chief of Administration for the 2019 Section Leadership Conference. Kevin is also an adviser for the National Communications Committee of the Order of the Arrow, a Subcommittee of the National Order of the Arrow Committee. 

In 2021, Kevin served as an Assistant Program Director for the Inaugural Summer Camp for Camp Strake in the Sam Houston Area Council. In 2022, Kevin served as the Camp Commissioner for Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp. In 2023, Kevin served as the Program Director for Camp Ross at Goshen Scout Reservation in the National Capital Area Council. Kevin currently serves as a member of the National Camp Accreditation Team for Council Service Territory 7, helping to ensure that camps across Texas and Louisiana provide quality and safe programs for Scouts. Additionally, Kevin is the Camp Director for the annual Winter Camp at Camp Sol Mayer.

Lodge Associate Adviser

Dessie Davis

Lodge Associate Adviser

Zach Davis

Eluwak Chapter Adviser

Owen Hein

Kittan Chapter Adviser

Randy Davis

Lodge Staff Adviser

Devin Koehler