Order of The Arrow

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently looking for some excited Arrowmen looking to help out in coordinating and planning lodge activities. For more information or to volunteer for one of the roles listed below, please reach out to Kevin Franke at Franke.Scouting@gmail.com.

The Elangomat is the most important influence for candidates and new members in the Order of the Arrow. Typically a youth member, elangomats walk alongside candidates throughout their ordeal and serve as a mentor for them once they become new members. 

Our ceremonialists are the face of the Order of the Arrow. Meant to tell the story of the OA, these Arrowmen should seek professionalism, polished performance, and limited distraction. Our ceremonialists should be prepared to conduct the pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and Brotherhood Ceremonies. 

Our service teams are integral to the operation of a Service and Induction weekend. Serving as guides for candidates and Arrowmen alike throughout the weekend, our service teams ensure that our lodge is living up to our goal of Cheerful Service! This includes managing service projects for our camp properties.