The Council Advancement committee has been reviewing procedures and has rewritten the Life to Eagle booklet to better reflect how things are being handled as well as new information related to the rank of Eagle Scout.
To better serve the Scouts, the Eagle board will now be reviewing the Eagle Scout service project virtually instead of the Scout having to schedule an in-person meeting with the board. While this may not eliminate the need to meet in-person, the hope is that we will be able to take less time and get the Scouts working on their projects sooner.
Another upcoming change is the new Citizenship in Society merit badge (MB). On July 1, 2022 this will become the newest Eagle Scout required MB and will increase the number of required MB’s to 14 and reduce the number of optional MBs to seven (7). The Council only has a few Scouters that have been approved to teach this MB, so let us know if you have any Life Scouts that need this.
The last change is the Eagle Board of Review is being moved to the third Thursday of each month.
If you have any questions related to these changes or anything advancement related, please don’t hesitate to contact us.