Venturing is a youth development program for young men and women 14 years of age (and in the 9th grade) through 20 years old. Venturing provides positive experiences to help young people mature and become responsible and caring adults. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development, citizenship, and physical fitness.
Sea Scouts is a youth development program for young men and women 14 years of age (and in the 9th grade) through 20 years old with a special interest in aquatic activities.
Each Venturing crew has its own special interest, often including (but not limited to) outdoors activities, sports, arts and hobbies, religious life, or aquatics. These activities, plus service projects, ceremonies, and friendly competition, help youth to learn the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Consultants from the community play an important part in Venturing. Through positive peer group interaction and adult mentoring, youth also learn honesty, responsibility, and respect.
Venturing crews can be coed, all-male, or all-female. The chartered organization and the leadership make that decision. The special interest is determined by the chartered organization and by the interests and capabilities of the youth and adults in the crew or ship. To find out more, CLICK HERE!